Monday, 24 February 2014

Radar Pole - First Stages

Radar Pole - RaasayRadar Pole - RaasayRadar Pole - RaasayRadar Pole - Raasay

Radar Pole - First Stages, a set on Flickr.

A free standing radar pole may not offer quite the range of a mast mount, but it keeps the scanner within reach if things go wrong.

Also, I'm going to try to make a scanner platform which can be manually tilted.

The main pole - not a pole but an inverted bi-pod that will fit in the existing deck mounting - is a pair of ash runners. The spacing pieces and tilting platform are maid of 25mm marine ply - maybe a bit heavy, but it's what I had.

Once I've made up the parts and placed the guide screws I will epoxy the whole thing together - and also coat the exterior with epoxy (especially the base). Ash is nice for strength and flex resistance, but not very rot resistant ...

Once in place, the pole will also be stayed.

Further developments to follow.

Bow Light

My bow light packed in on day one of the trip (overnight sail from Portsoy to Clachnaharry). It was a Lalizas FOS 20m LED unit - completely ...