Sunday, 18 May 2014

Radar Mount

Raasay came with a very substantial base for a radar pole bolted through the afterdeck - the mount extended below the deck and was through bolted to the gas locker bulkhead.

It seemed a shame to waste it, so when I decided to fit a radar I wanted to use the mount.

I thought I'd make my own pole, and also thought I'd try making the mount tiltable.  The outcome is robust, but, I'm afraid, a bit ugly.  The first version was just the inverted 'y', plus the tilting bits - the uprights are ash.  Unfortunately this was not quite stiff enough so I put a single iroko stiffener up the back of it.  The result works, more or less.

The tilting mechanism is based on a big bottle screw from a junk box.  It's a bit stiff and slow.  That may be OK, as I mainly had long close reaches in mind rather than a beat.

I'll see how it goes.  Mk II will probably benefit from the experiment ...

Radar mount, Raasay Raasay dried out, new radar

Bow Light

My bow light packed in on day one of the trip (overnight sail from Portsoy to Clachnaharry). It was a Lalizas FOS 20m LED unit - completely ...