Sunday, 24 March 2024

Overdue Cosmetics ... ?


The companionway steps have been pretty manky for a long time. I took them home to get them sanded and re-varnished - Angus did the work, and substantially exceeded expectations.

The piece of mahogany on top of the table saw bench is a new lid for the stern cockpit locker. The piece on the floor to the right is the 'shelf' I put at the front of the cockpit (like a bridge deck) to create a space for putting things down and under. I think there is a photo of it somewhere in this blog...

Both pieces of mahogany came from the counter in my grandfather's photography shop (now long gone), so definitely recycled. I may get one or two other useful sections out of it, although it has some damage and quite a bit of surface 'patina'. If it was perfect it would just look wrong on Raasay, in any case.

Bow Light

My bow light packed in on day one of the trip (overnight sail from Portsoy to Clachnaharry). It was a Lalizas FOS 20m LED unit - completely ...